Hey everyone!

Hello everyone!
I am Rhiannon Ravenstorm, and this is the blog I will be updating as often as possible during my growth as a Wiccan. I hope this blog helps others who are searching for their path! Please subscribe and leave appropriate comments, and I will do the same for you!
WARNING: Playlist at the bottom of my blog is on auto-start, so be careful!

Love and Light
)O( Rhiannon )O(

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sweep Series

Hello all!
It feels like it's been forever since I've written....
Anywho, I have recently finished reading the Sweep series by Cate Tiernan! YES!!!
'Tis about youngin's learning and practicing Wicca, and although some of it is fiction, a lot of it is real. (Sorry, but I don't think there is a Council of Witches)
The books are as followed:

I hope you enjoy them as much as I had!


Friday, September 3, 2010

Teen Book of Shadows by Patricia Telesco

Reading Teen Books of Shadows by Patricia Telesco....any comments? I don't know much about her.. so some advice would be nice.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Some great Wicca/Spiritual Sites/Forums

Hey here are some wonderful Wicca/Spiritual sites/forums I've come across:

Hope these help you all!

Wiccan Goddess Chant

Merry Meet!

Merry meet everyone!
I am Rhiannon, the Teenage Witch. Lol!
But really. I am studying and following the Wiccan path and am now creating a blog on it. :D
Because I do not own a computer, I will not always be able to post on here, but I will try to as much as I can. I apologize if it takes me a while to post. ;)
Anyway, since this is my first blog post, I guess I should say something about myself.
First, Rhiannon is not my real name. It's...my public magickal name, as some call it. I WILL NOT reveal the name given to me on my birth certificate nor my private magick name. (Sorry!)
I am 13, and I'm in 8th grade..well, I will be. School hasn't started yet.:O
There isn't much to say about me. I'd say some more stuff usually, but I haven't "come out of the broom closet", as they say, to my friends and family. I don't think many would care, but I'm going to wait until I feel it is time to tell them about my faith. Until then, if you want to give me some ideas about how to tell them, that'd be great!
I really don't have much more to say. PLEASE keep reading my posts and it'd be great if you guys gave me a few suggestions on how to do certain things, ect., ect.
Well, that's it for now. 'Till then, Blessed Be!
